
  • 12 Apr, 2020
  • Reading time:5 mins read


almostadoctor is a place for medical professional and students to learn about stuff. It is a project by Dr Tom Leach, a GP and Emergency Department CMO in Canberra, Australia.


In 2009, Tom went to use the photocopier in the hospital library at Salford Royal Hospital. Around the photocopier was a huddle of excited medical students. Craning his neck to get a good look, and frustrated as to the delay in his use of the photocopier, Tom eventually saw that the people in the huddle were passing round copies of his notes. Ever since then, Tom has uploaded all of his notes, and encouraged his friends and colleagues to do the same (he has a go at editing them first though).

Almostadoctor has since grown to incorporate thousands of articles from many authors, as well as blogs, mind maps, and loads of other useful resources. By 2021, there were over 2000 pages of content written by tens of authors from all over the world.

Although most of these now ex-medical students have moved on, Tom continues to maintain and update the content on almostadoctor for future generations.

Who are we?

Much of the hard work behind the scenes on the website itself, working with bloggers, writers and reps,  and on a lot of the content, is done by Tom Leach – now a GP Trainee in Australia. Tom trained at Manchester, UK, worked for two years at the Royal Bolton Hospital as a Foundation Doctor, and then moved to Canberra, Australia in October 2013. Read full bio.
Big thanks also go to Dr Patrick Green for all of his hard work as a medical student. He helped to co-ordinate almostadoctor reps, organising publicity and sponsorship, and generally coming up with new ways to expand and improve the site.

There are also about 30 other ‘official’ article writers who were or are still involved to varying degrees, from around the UK and overseas. Some have written many articles, whilst others have submitted one or two through our online system.

Full List of Contributors

Article Authors

Dr Tom Leach
Dr Patrick Green
Anthony Rimmer
Dr Danielle Ormandy
Emily Garrett
Dr Lily Stanley
Sam Fairclough
Dr Anushka Wijeratne
Nicole McGrath
Anatalia Moore
Nick Lower
Khadija Janoowala
Shameena Tamachi
Khaleel Loonat
Rachel Smith
Ruichong Ma
Dr Tom Heaton
Katie Bishop
Dr Lilly Stanley
Dheeraj Khiatani
Jennifer Wood
Munisa Patel
Patricia Seddon
Fathi Ramly
Chandni Nigam
Taufiq Khan
Mohammad T Agha
Neil Cowan
Benjamin Probert
Joseph Machta
Daan de Costa
Jeyoung Lee
Ammar Ahmed
Kar Yee Katherine Law
Lucia Magee
Dr Ali Mohsen
Natasha Turley
Dr Scott Wilson
Dr Douglas Findlay
Dr James Killeen
Asad Mahmood
Chantelle Wiseman
Dr Ciaran de Souza
Ben Harris
Adam Pope
Iushi Khetani
Dr Anna Raczkowycz

If you think your name should be on this list, please get in touch