
  • 31 May, 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read
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CPR training Better Safe Than Sorry The very funny true story of how I attempted CPR, but broke the patients legs, emptied the patient's orifices of bodily fluids, broke all their ribs, but maybe just saved their life (or so I'd like to think). read more
Three Tips for taking a Medical History Taking a history is a skill. It takes a long time to develop this skill. History taking is part of the process of clinical reasoning. I think of clinical reasoning of being the process whereby you compare the information you have at hand - from your history, examination and investigations - to that 'encyclopaedia' you have in… read more
Lightening Strike Lightning Strikes Twice! Lightening strikes are literally 1 per million events. So I was shocked (ahem) recently when I had two presentations in the same day! Learn what to do about lightening strikes from a doctor caught in a freak storm. read more
Barney Burping I can’t burp For years, patients have suffered with an inability to burp. Now, a new syndrome has been described, including a cure! read more
Hey – I just met you, and this is crazy, but you’ve got Tetanus, so take this Ig A 65 year old male presents to the Emergency Department with a 3-day history of worsening, painful stiff neck. He reports that he is not able to sleep due to the pain and has seemingly very limited ROM of his neck from the end of the bed. He also reports night sweats, and has a… read more

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Almostadoctor on android almostadoctor now available on android! Ta daa! As promised -  almostadoctor is now available on android, for phones and tablets. The app has all of the same features as the iOS version. All the almostadoctor encyclopaedia articles saved to you device – for instant access, even without a connection. There’s no loading times, and no ads. And it keeps all… read more
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almostadoctor iPhone app almostadoctor iPhone and iPad apps out now! I am super excited to announce the new almostadoctor iPhone and iPad apps are now available for download in the app store. The app has all of the almostadoctor encyclopaedia articles saved to you device - for instant access, even without a connection. There's no loading times, and no ads. And it keeps all the… read more
Barney Burping I can’t burp For years, patients have suffered with an inability to burp. Now, a new syndrome has been described, including a cure! read more
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Lightening Strike Lightning Strikes Twice! Lightening strikes are literally 1 per million events. So I was shocked (ahem) recently when I had two presentations in the same day! Learn what to do about lightening strikes from a doctor caught in a freak storm. read more