Read more about the article Give me morphine!
A vial of Morphine

Give me morphine!

  • Reading time:9 mins read

A first hand account of an abusive patient and family in the emergency department demanding opiates. Handled by a very scared junior grade doctor.

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Diagnosis: Hilarious

  • Reading time:4 mins read

Dear Doctor - I get pains in my stomach, terrible headaches, feel nauseas, and just feel generally rotten. And it seems to happen every Saturday and Sunday morning. What is it?

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Read more about the article Better Safe Than Sorry
CPR training

Better Safe Than Sorry

  • Reading time:11 mins read

The very funny true story of how I attempted CPR, but broke the patients legs, emptied the patient's orifices of bodily fluids, broke all their ribs, but maybe just saved their life (or so I'd like to think).

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Sphincter tone

  • Reading time:3 mins read

What happens when you get a grilling about where your fingers have been from your consultant in the middle of the ward round - and what you should do about it

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