The Anion Gap

  • Reading time:7 mins read

Introduction The anion gap is a tool used to: Confirm that an acidosis is metabolic Narrow down the cause of a metabolic acidosis Monitor the progress of treatment In a…

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Read more about the article Understanding ECGs
ECG segments and intervals

Understanding ECGs

  • Reading time:24 mins read

This article "Understanding ECGs" is part of the almostadoctor ECG series. It provides a basic introduction to ECG waveform, and the practicalities of performing an ECG.  Once you understand the basics…

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Urea & Electrolytes

  • Reading time:3 mins read

Example One ↑Na+ ↔K+ ↑↑Urea ↑↑Creatinine Diagnosis Renal failure Main causes of chronic renal failure: Hypertension Diabetes Pyelonephritis / glomerulonephritis Explanation Massively raised urea and creatinine together can only be…

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