MTAS (Moving to Australia Soon)
Why do so may doctors move to Australia and New Zealand?
Why do so may doctors move to Australia and New Zealand?
A problem of a personal nature...
Back during my FY1 medicine attachment, I had the pleasure of looking after Mr C, a Chinese gentleman in his eighties, on the Stroke rehabilitation ward of our DGH. Not…
My feet hurt. No idea what it could be. But I did wear some high heels the other day.
We examine ways that might help to extend your lifespan.
Dear Doctor - I get pains in my stomach, terrible headaches, feel nauseas, and just feel generally rotten. And it seems to happen every Saturday and Sunday morning. What is it?
Firstly, sorry. Sorry we’ve been offline for a few days. It’s been literally driving me crazy. And we’ve been working around the clock to fix it. Secondly, I’ll explain. It’s…
The very funny true story of how I attempted CPR, but broke the patients legs, emptied the patient's orifices of bodily fluids, broke all their ribs, but maybe just saved their life (or so I'd like to think).
What happens when you get a grilling about where your fingers have been from your consultant in the middle of the ward round - and what you should do about it