Ascending (Sensory) Nerve Pathways

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 Pathway/tract Sensation(s) Location of Neuron Cell Bodies First-Order Second-Order Third-Order Final Destination Site of Crossover Fasciculus Gracillis Propriception and fine touch, pressure and vibration, all from inferior half of body Dorsal root ganglia. Axons enter CNS in dorsal roots and join fasciculus gracilis Nucleus grascilis of medulla oblongata. Axons cross over before exiting medial lemniscus Ventral Nuclei of thalamus Primary sensory cortex (on opposite side of stimulus) Axons of second order neurons cross over before entering the medial meniscus Fasciculus Cuneatus Propriception and fine touch, pressure and fine touch from superior half of body Dorsal root ganglia. Axons enter CNS in dorsal roots and join fasciculus cuneatus Nucleus cuneatus of medulla oblongata. Axons cross over before exiting medial lemniscus Ventral Nuclei of thalamus Primary sensory cortex (on opposite side of stimulus) Axons of second order neurons cross over before entering the medial meniscus Lateral spinothalamic tracts Pain and temperature Dorsal root ganglia, axons enter CNS in dorsal roots Interneurons in dorsal horn. Axons enter lateral spinothalamic tract on opposite side Ventral Nuclei of thalamus Primary sensory cortex (on opposite side of stimulus) Axons of second order neurons at level of entry to CNS Anterior Spinothalamic tracts Crude touch and pressure Dorsal root ganglia, axons enter CNS is dorsal roots Interneurons in dorsal horn. Axons enter lateral spinothalamic tract on opposite side Ventral Nuclei of thalamus Primary sensory cortex (on opposite side of stimulus) Axons of second order neurons at level of entry to CNS Posterior Spicocerebellar tracts Propriception Dorsal root ganglia, axons enter CNS is dorsal roots Interneurons in dorsal horn. Axons enter lateral spinothalamic tract on same side Not present Cerebellar cortex on side of stimulus None Anterior Spinocerebellar tracts Propriception Dorsal root ganglia, axons enter CNS is dorsal roots Interneurons in dorsal horn. Axons enter lateral spinothalamic tract on same side Not present Cerebellar cortex on side of (and opposite of) stimulus Axons of most second order neurons corss over before entering tract: many recross at cerebellum  
Sensory Ascending Nerve Pathways
Spinal cord tracts - ascending and desiring pathways
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Dr Tom Leach

Dr Tom Leach MBChB DCH EMCert(ACEM) FRACGP currently works as a GP and an Emergency Department CMO in Australia. He is also a Clinical Associate Lecturer at the Australian National University, and is studying for a Masters of Sports Medicine at the University of Queensland. After graduating from his medical degree at the University of Manchester in 2011, Tom completed his Foundation Training at Bolton Royal Hospital, before moving to Australia in 2013. He started almostadoctor whilst a third year medical student in 2009. Read full bio

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