ABCD2 score for predicting the risk of stroke after a TIA
- Age > 60 years (1 point)
- Blood pressure > 140/90mmHg (1 point)
- Clinical features:
- Unilateral weakness (2 points)
- Speech disturbance without weakness (1 point)
- Duration of symptoms:
- >60 mins (2 points)
- 10-60 mins (1 point)
- <10 mins (0 points)
- Diabetes (1 point)
The corresponding 2 day risk for subsequent stroke are:
- 0-3: 1%
- 4-5: 4%
- 6-7: 8%
If ≥4 the patient is at high risk. They should be treated with 300mg Aspirin immediately and specialist assessment and investigations should be commenced within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms.
If ≤3 the patient is low risk. Treat with 300mg Aspirin and refer to be seen by a specialist and investigated within 1 week of the onset of symptoms.