Assessing burn depth
- Superficial aka first degree – epidermis (erythema) only. Can be differentiated from partial thickness by rubbing the skin. If the epidermis moves around, sliding over the deeper layers, this is a partial thickness burn
- Partial thickness aka second degree – affects the dermal layers. Can be sub-divided into superficial dermal, mid dermal, and deep dermal
- Full thickness aka third-degree – all the way through the dermis and may also affect deeper tissues
Calculating burns area
- Only include partial and full thickness areas
- Remember that a single burn likely has patches of different thicknesses
- If unsure if superficial or partial thickness, be cautious and include affected areas
- Rule of 9’s
- Useful because it allows for estimation of Total Body Surface Area of burn, which is later used in the calculation for fluid requirements
Fluid Requirements
- Burns leads to lots of skin oedema which can cause hypovolemic shock
- The modified parkland formulais used to calculate fluid requirements
- Should be given if TBSA burns >15% in adults and >10% in children
- Don’t forget other factors that may lower your threshold for giving fluids, including other traumatic injuries, or inhalational burns
- Hartmann’s is fluid of choice
- First ½ of the fluid should be given in the first 8 hours after the burn (not after the presentation)
- Second half over the next 16 hours
- Formula:
- 4mls x TBSA Burn % x Weight (Kg)
Important Factors in History
- Time burns occurred
- Duration of exposure (helps assess burn depth)
- Enclosed area? (Inhalation injury)
First Aid
- Try to remove jewellery and clothing as appropriate. If clothing is stuck to burn, leave it alone
- Choice of dressing varies widely between centres. Check local policies
- Running under cool water can help. You should od this for 20 minutes or so, and is only useful if <3hours since burn. Be aware that if there is a large burn surface area, this can cause hypothermia
Specialist Management
- Any patient with >10% TBSA (>5% in children) burns should be considered for transfer to burns unit. If there is any doubt about this, speak to the local burns centre for advice.
- Other potential factors that might lower the threshold for transfer include:
- Very young
- Very old
- Pregnant
- Other significant co-morbidities or trauma
- Chemical burns
- Circumferential burns
Inhalational Injury
- Occur in 20% of burns patients
- 60% of facial burns patients
- major cause of mortality
Causes of pathology in inhalational injury
- Thermal injury to the airway
- Chemical injury to the airway
- Systemic effects from toxins (CO, cyanide – as a combustion product of some plastics / wools etc)
- Hypoxia / asphyxia due to O2 consumption by the fire
Signs of airway injury
- Upper airway
- Singed nostrils / nostril hairs
- Singed eyebrows
- Facial burns
- Soot in nose
- Change in voice / hoarseness
- Stridor
- Lower airway
- Wheeze
- Pulmonary Oedema