This article provides a brief overview of the cardiovascular examination. For a detailed walkthrough please go to the Cardiovascular Examination OSCE article.
- Wash hands
- Introduce- “My name is…”
- Consent – “I have been asked to examine your heart, this will involve me having a look and feel of your chest, head and hands. Is that ok?’’
- Chaperone – mandatory for all female patients
- Confidentiality
- Position – 45 degrees,with chest completely bare in males – more discretion for females
- General at end of bed – generally well or not? eg dyspnoea, pain, pallor, sweating, medications
- Hands – radial pulse (rate and rhythm); collapsing pulse, low volume, bisferiens, alternans. clubbing, splinter haemorrhages, pallor, peripheral cyanosis
- Face & Neck – pallor, cyanosis, malar flush, xanthelasmata, right carotid (character) – should be in palpation, right internal jugular vein to assess jugular venous pressure.
- Chest – Scars, abnormal pulsations, pacemaker
- Blood pressure
Areas for auscultation
(a)Aortic area : 2nd Intercostal space R. sternal border
(b)Pulmonary area: 2nd Intercostal space L. sternal border
(c)Tricuspid, area: 4th Intercostal space lower left sternal edge
(d)Apex / mitral area: 5th Intercostal space mid-clavicular line
(a)Aortic area : 2nd Intercostal space R. sternal border
(b)Pulmonary area: 2nd Intercostal space L. sternal border
(c)Tricuspid, area: 4th Intercostal space lower left sternal edge
(d)Apex / mitral area: 5th Intercostal space mid-clavicular line
- No percussion required of the precordium (should per cuss over posterior chest when concluding the examination)
- For apex beat 5th intercostal space mid clavicular line– position and character
- Left parasternal impulse
- Aortic and pulmonary thrills
- Right ventricular heave
- Carotid character – bounding, slow rising, low volume
AUSCULTATION (see diagram) Palpate carotid whilst auscultating to time any murmur
- Aortic – listen for aortic stenosis, check for radiation to carotids
- Pulmonary
- Tricuspid – sit patient forward with breath held in expiration
- Aortic regurgitation; use diaphragm to accentuate aortic murmurs
- Mitral – with patient lying on their left hand side
- Mitral stenosis, use the bell
- Mitral regurgitation if suspected move to axilla
- Right and left carotid for bruits
- Lung bases
CONCLUSION… ” I would…”
- Palpate for ankle /sacral / shin oedema
- Percussion of posterior chest
- Pulses – Radio-femoral delay, Peripheral pulses
- Liver – Pulsatile?
– Assess whether liver is enlarged
- Cover up and thank patient
For more information, see the cardiovascular examination page