The Safe Triangle

The safe triangle is an anatomical space created by:
- Mid-axillary line / boarder of latissimus dorsi
- Lateral boarder of pec major
- Imaginary horizontal line from the nipple
And the drain is usually inserted in the 4th, 5th, or 6th intercostal space
The Procedure
- Find a location in the safe triangle
- Alternate locations include 2nd intercostal space mid-clavicular line, and 7th intercostal space, posteriorly, but these are less comfortable for the patient.
- Using 10-20ml 1% lidocaine inject down at the pleural level, just above the rib (to avoid the neurovascular bundle), usually the 6th rib
- Then attempt to aspirate air of fluid – if you cant, then don’t insert the drain here! Wait 3 minutes, and try again
- Then blunt dissect down to the level of the pleura (e.g. using scissors, using the opening action of the scissors to dissect, or using forceps)
- Puncture the pleura with scissors or forceps
- If you are using a large bore tube, you may need to insert a finger into your dissect to remove any adherent lung
- Remove the metal part of the drip before inserting – you should already have done your dissection – don’t force it in!
- Advance the drain slowly, using forceps if necessary. Stop if you hit serious resistance
- Attached the other end of the drain to the underwater seal
- The long tube should be under the water, and should bubble with respiration
- Medium and large bore tubes may require suturing around the entry site
- Fix the chest drain in place with a tie around the tube
- Request CXR to ensure the drain has been placed correctly
Clamping a chest drain
- This is occasionally performed in the case of pleural effusion, to control the rate of drainage, as draining too fast can result in expansion pulmonary oedema.
- You should never clamp a chest drain in the case of pneumothorax
- Trauma / injury to thoracic / abdominal organs
- Trauma to the long thoracic nerve of bell resulting in wing scapula
- Arrhythmia (rare)
Things to watch out for
- Backwards flow of water seal towards chest cavity
- Prolonged bubbling of the chest drain fluid
- Blockage of the tube due to kinks, blood clot / other. There will be no ‘swinging’ or ‘bubbling’ in the seal fluid
- Wrongly positioned chest drain – check the CXR
Removing the tube
- Check there is re-expansion on CXR
- In pleural effusion you may want to clamp the drain, as you may want to re-insert it
- In pneumothorax, clamping is not necessary as reinsertion is unlikely
- Give the patient a strong analgesic (e.g. morphine)
- Remove the tube during expiration, and suture the insertion site
- Murtagh’s General Practice. 6th Ed. (2015) John Murtagh, Jill Rosenblatt
- Oxford Handbook of General Practice. 3rd Ed. (2010) Simon, C., Everitt, H., van Drop, F.
- Beers, MH., Porter RS., Jones, TV., Kaplan JL., Berkwits, M. The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy