Abdominal Artery Ischaemia and Occlusion
Introduction Abdominal artery ischaemia, also known as Ischaemic Bowel or Mesenteric Ischaemia, may be the result of several pathologies and can be acute or chronic. It most commonly presents as…
Introduction Abdominal artery ischaemia, also known as Ischaemic Bowel or Mesenteric Ischaemia, may be the result of several pathologies and can be acute or chronic. It most commonly presents as…
Summary of Abdominal Examination Introduce yourself, check right patient (name DOB, wrist-band) explain that you are going to perform an abdominal examination and what this will involve, and ask the…
Introduction An abdominal x-ray (AXR) is a commonly performed x-ray for some gastrointestinal presentations. Generally, its use is limited - many abdominal conditions are better diagnosed clinically, or with an…
Introduction Alcohol is the most dangerous addictive drug in the world. It kills around 15 Australians every day. Alcohol abuse is widespread in Western Society, and is a common presenting…
Introduction Alcoholic hepatitis is a very common cause of liver injury. It is caused by excessive alcohol intake. Typically there will be steatosis of the liver. In this pathological change, fat globules…
Altered bowel habit is a very common presenting complaint and can be acute or chronic. For further information, also see the articles diarrhoea and constipation. Causes Acute gastroenteritis Simple constipation…
Introduction Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a cause of chronic hepatitis. It is also sometimes referred to as chronic active hepatitis. Any hepatitis that typically lasts >6 months is referred to as chronic. It is…
Introduction Also known as Columnar Lined oesophagus (CLO) This is a complication of long term oesophageal reflux. It looks a bit like white pasty finger like projections coming up from…
Production of Bilirubin Every haem molecule will produce one molecule of bilirubin. These molecules are found in haemoglobin and myoglobin. Also, cytochrome enzymes will also produce one molecule of bilirubin.…
Hepatomegaly describes an enlarged liver. There are many causes of hepatomegaly, and learning some mnemonics might help you to memorise some of them! Sometimes it is associated with an enlarged spleen -…