Hepatomegaly describes an enlarged liver. There are many causes of hepatomegaly, and learning some mnemonics might help you to memorise some of them!
Sometimes it is associated with an enlarged spleen – in which case it is referred to as hepatosplenomeagly. See also splenomegaly.
In hepatomegaly, a palpable liver may be felt on abdominal examination.
Massive hepatomegaly = “CRAM”
- Cancer – primary and secondary
- Right heart failure
- Alcoholic liver disease with fatty infiltration
- Myeloproliferative diseases (i.e. Chronic myeloid leukaemia, Rubra Vera, Essential Thrombocythaemia)
Moderate hepatomegaly = “FAILL”
all of the above plus
all of the above plus
- Fatty liver – from diabetes, obesity
- Amyloidosis
- Iron – haemochromatosis (excess iron)
- Lymphoma
- Leukaemia – chronic
Mild hepatomegaly
All of the above plus:
All of the above plus:
Thanks for great information