- It competitively binds opioid receptors, causing a blockade
- Usually given IV for fastest action (<1 min)
- Opioid overdose typically seen in heroin users who have been incarcerated / ‘gone cold turkey’ who subsequently return to heroin abuse. Upon returning to opioid use they often take the same dose they were taking before cessation, which, in the absence of tolerance, can be fatal.
- CAUTION – the half-life of naloxone is shorter than that of opiates, thus the naloxone can wear off, and the patient can go back into a state of opiate overdose.
Flumazenil – can reverse the effect of benzodiazepines, however, is not always recommended. It is mainly used to reduce the sedative / drowsiness effects of benzodiazepines
- In long-term benzo abusers, it can induce withdrawal (including seizures), thus use is not recommended
- It competitively binds benzodiazepines
- Its half-life is shorter than benzodiazepines, so multiple doses may need to be administered
Paracetamol overdose is considered separately in its own article.
Aspirin (salicylic acid)
<125mg/Kg is not toxic
250mg/Kg is mildly toxic. Signs and symptoms include:
- Tinnitus
- Lethargy
- Dizziness
- Nausea / vomiting
500mg/Kg is severe. Signs and symptoms include (as well as the above)
- Dehydration
- Sweating / warm extremities
- Bounding pulse
- Deafness
- Breathlessness
- Glucose disturbance (hypo or hyper)
- Confusion / disorientation, rarely coma
Other features indicating a life-threatening attack include:
- pulmonary oedema
- metabolic acidosis
- salicylate conc >700mg/L
Salicylate concentration should be measured, but unlike paracetomal is not an indication of the severity of poisoning
- It is most accurate >4 hours after ingestion. Repeat after a further 2 hours to asses for rising levels
Renal function (U+E’s)
Plasma Potassium – hypokalaemia likely, correct with IV KCl
Urine pH + ABG – Check hourly – severity of poisoning can be asses using blood pH and urine pH:
- Stage I – blood >7.4, urine >6.0
- Stage II – blood >7.4, urine <6.0
- Stage III – blood < 7.4, urine <6.0
Activated charcoal – if >125mg/Kg ingested <1hr ago
Gastric lavage – if >500mg/Kg ingested <1hr ago
Aggressive rehydration
Consider glucose – intracellular glucose is often depleted even if blood glucose remains normal
Increase alkalinity of urine – can increase excretion of salicylate
- Give sodium bicarbonate if >500mg/Kg ingested. Optimum urine pH is 7.5 – 8.5
- Hypokalaemia reduces the effectiveness of urine alkalisation
CAUTION – forced dieresis is not effective at increasing salicylate excretion and may cause pulmonary oedema.
HAEMODIALYSIS is the treatment of choice for severe cases (also continue alkalisation or urine providing no oliguria). Consider in:
- Plasma salicylate >700mg/Kg
- Lower if patient <10 or >70 years
- Renal failure
- Heart failure
- Coma
- Convulsions
- Non-resolution of CNS symptoms, despite correction of acidosis
- Severe metabolic acidosis (pH <7.2)
β – blockers
Hypocalcaemia may also be present, and should be corrected with calcium.
Sympathomimetics e.g. cocaine, amphetamines
- Treatment: Benzodiazepine e.g. diazepam
Carbon Monoxide
- Treatment – hyperbaric oxygen
- Anti-freeze (ethylene glycol) poisoning – Ethanol
- Cyanide poisoning – Dicobalt edetate
- Lead poisoning – Sodium calcium edetate
- Organophosphate poisoning – Atropine
- Heparin overdose – Protamine sulphate
Why is prothrombin time a good indicator of AKI?
Errr… it isn’t! It’s a mistake. Meant to be acute liver failure!
I’ve fixed it up now