- Term baby – between 37 – 41 weeks
- Pre-term baby – before 37 weeks
- Post term baby – after 42 weeks
- Neonate – <28 days old
- Stillbirth – dead baby delivered after 24 weeks
- Perinatal mortality – stillbirths + deaths within first week of life
- Neonatal mortality – deaths between 1-4 weeks
- Low birthweight – <2500g
- Very low birthweight- <1500g
- Extremely low birthweight – <1000g
- Small for age – <10th centile
- Large for age – >90th centile
Post-natal care will vary within the UK, depending on the area, but below is a general outline of care offered. Of course, services are open at any time for concerned parents to attend. Those with identified problems are likely to attend reviews and follow-ups periodically.
For detailed info on immunisations, see Vaccinations
- Routine examination of the newborn
- Hearing tests
- Weight, length, head circumference (all plotted)
Health promotion / advice
- Offer BCG and hep B vaccination if at risk
- Hep B vaccination should be repeated at 1, 2 and 12 months
- Feeding and nutrition advice
- Preventing SIDS – avoid overheating, cessation of parental smoking
5-6 days old
- Screening
- Midwife will perform the Guthrie test
- Detects raised levels of the amino acid phenylalanine; which indicates metabolic disease
12 days old
- Midwife visits to check general baby and family wellbeing (both physical and mental needs, chance to ask any questions)
8 weeks
- Screening
- The GP performs screening – pretty much identical to the new baby screening test
- Immunisations – 2 jabs:
- [Diphtheria + tetanus +pertussis] + [polio] + [HiB]
- Pneumococcus
- Examination
- Length, weight, head circumference
- Ask parents about vision / hearing
- General
- Any parental concerns?
3 Months
- Immunisations – 2 jabs:
- [Diphtheria + tetanus +pertussis] + [polio] + [HiB]
- Men C
- Examination
- Length, weight, head circumference
- Ask parents about vision / hearing
- General
- Any parental concerns?
- Discussion about weaning (should begin at about 6 months)
4 Months
- Immunisations – 3 jabs:
- [Diphtheria + tetanus +pertussis] + [polio] + [HiB]
- Men C
- Pneumococcus
- Examination
- Length, weight, head circumference
- Ask parents about vision / hearing
- General
- Any parental concerns?
8 months
- Screening
- Health visit team will asses child’s development (physical, emotional, social)
- If parents worried, hearing and vision will also be assessed.
- General
- Any parental concerns?
- Examination
- Length, weight, head circumference
- Ask parents about vision / hearing
12 Months
- Immunisations – 1 jab
- [HiB + Men C]
- General
- Any parental concerns?
- Discussion about weaning
- Examination
- Length, weight, head circumference
- Ask parents about vision / hearing
13 Months
- Immunisations – 1 jab
- General
- Any parental concerns?
- Examination
- Length, weight, head circumference
- Ask parents about vision / hearing
2-3 years
- Examination
- If indicated, the health visiting team can visit to check development
3 years 4 months
- Immunisations – 2 jabs
- [Diphtheria + Tetanus + Pertussis] + [Polio]
- General
- Any parental concerns?
- Examination
- Height, weight, head circumference
- Ask parents about vision / hearing
4-5 years (preschool)
- Screening
- Orthoptists for visual problems
- General
- Any parental concerns?
- Examination
- Height, weight, head circumference
- Ask parents about vision / hearing
5 years (school entry)
- Screening
- Vision
- Hearing
- General
- Any parental concerns?
- Examination
- Height, weight, head circumference
- Furthur examination only if parental concerns
Girls 12-12
- Immunisations
Age 13-18
- Immunisations – 2 jabs
- Diphtheria + Tetanus
- Polio