Rhabdomyolysis is the result of breakdown of muscle tissue, with the subsequent release of muscle products into the bloodstream.
- Trauma – most common
- Prolonged immobilisation
- Drug reactions – e.g. statins, fibrates, alcohol, ecstacy, heroin, carbon monoxide, neuroleptic malignant syndrome
- Infection – coxackie, EBV, influenza
- Metabolic disorders
- Genetic muscular disorders – e.g. McArdle’s disease, Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
The breakdown of muscle tissue release several products into the blood, including:
- Myoglobin
- Potassium – resulting in hyperkalaemia
- Creatinine kinase (CK)
- Phopsphate urate
Signs & Symptoms
- Often associated with the cause
- Muscle aches
- Oedema
- Red-brown urine
- Hyperkalaemia
- Acute Renal Failure (ARF) – typically occurs after 12-24 hours
- Increased coaguability
- Compartment syndrome – may result from excessive localised muscle injury
- Bloods
- ↑CK > 1000iU/L
- U+E’s – hyperkalaemia
- Urine Dipstick
- +ve for haemoglobin, but absence of red cells on microscopy – due to myoglobin
- URGENT – treat hyperkalaemia (if >6.5mmol/L, or ECG changes)
- Untreated, it can cause VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION
- Other ECG changes include; ‘tented T waves’, flat p waves, increased PR interval, wide QRS – which can get wider and wider, resulting in VT and VF
- Treatment
- IV calcium gluconate – this provides cardioprotection but does not alter serum potassium concentration
- Insulin + glucose – e.g. 20U insulin + 50g glucose 50% IV. Insulin is taken up into cells in conjunction with potassium, thus, serum K is lowered
- Nebulised salbutamol – also moves K into cells
- Polysytrene sulfonate resin – 15g/8h in water, or can be given as an enema if vomiting present (can cause vomiting)
- Dialysis – rarely needed
- Untreated, it can cause VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION
- IV fluids
- Reduce the risk of ARF
- Keep urine output at >300ml/hour until myoglobinurea is resolved
- 1.5L/hour may be required
- IV sodium bicarbonate
- Can be useful to increase the urine pH >6.5, which makes myoglobin less toxic
- With treatment, most patients make a full recovery (as the cause is usually identifiable and resolvable), without any long-term effects