A caesarian section is major surgery, with real risks, and the decision to perform such an operation should not be taken lightly!
- Incidence in increasing, mainly due to the increased diagnoses of fetal distress, as diagnosed by CTG monitoring. Also increasing used for non-longitudinal lies (e.g. breech, transverse)
- WHO recommends not >15% of deliveries should be via c-section
- In the UK, the rate is about 25% (in the USA, about 30%)
- The NHS does NOT offer elective c-section without a medical reason – in some very rare cases, if it is thought the mother has a psychological fear of pregnancy, then elective c-section may be offered
- 9% of c-sections are performed before the onset of labour
- Reasons for c-section:
- First pregnancy
- 25% – failure to progress
- 28% – fetal distress
- 14% – breech
- Subsequent Pregnancies
- 45% – previous c-section
- First pregnancy
Indications for elective c-section
- Placenta praevia
- Breech presentation
- Usually eversion is offered at 36 weeks if the mother declines, or eversion is unsuccessful, offer elective c-section
- Other malpresentations may also be considered
- Twins where the first twin is not cephalic
- Previous vaginal surgery (e.g. fistula repair)
- Maternal infection (e.g. HIV, active herpes in 3rd trimester)
- Pregnancy >41 weeks
- These women are not routinely offered c-section, if there are no complications with the pregnancy. Instead, induction of labour is usually performed at 41 weeks
- Surgery usually planned for 39 weeks
- 10% of patients will go into labour before this time, and require emergency c-section
- Performing elective c-section at this time reduces the risk of neonatal respiratory problems
- 7x greater risk for c-section at 37 weeks
- 3x greater risk for c-section at 38 weeks
- Equal with vaginal risk at 39 weeks
Indications for Emergency C-section
- Cord prolpase
- Failure to progress
- Fetal distress during the first stage of labour
- Antepartum haeomorrhage (abruption or placenta praevia)
- Transverse lie during labour
Usually performed under spinal or edipural block – not general anaesthetic
- Halothane cannot be used – as it increases uterine contractions
- Light anaesthesia – has in the past been used, to prevent anaesthesia of the baby – but it can result in a state of paralysed awareness for the mother!
- Only about 8% of c-sections are performed under general anaesthetic
- Prophylactic antibiotics do reduce the risk of infection. Typical regimen:
- 2g cefradine IV at induction, plus
- 1g at 6 hr
- 1g at 12h post-op
- Use antibiotic prophylaxis for both elective and emergency c-section
- There are two types of inscision that can be made:
- Vertical Incision – less commonly used in modern times. From umbilicus to pubic bone.
- Lower uterine segment incision –a smaller incision, made horizontally just above the pubic bone.
- Fetal laceration occurs in 2% of cases
- Reduces risk of infection
- Reduces risk of complications
- Better cosmetic appearance
- Reduces risk of uterine tear
Thromboprophylaxis and C-section
- Ongoing prophylaxis regimen
- Halve the dose on the day before planned c-section
- On the day of c-section, omit the usual dose
- Then give usual prophylaxis 3 hours after surgery, unless – epidural used
- 2% of women will have a haematoma at the wound site
- Those not with ongoing prophylaxis
- Risk factors:
- Age >35
- Obesity (>80Kg)
- Para 4+
- Pre-eclampsia
- Emergency c-section
- Varicose veins
- Ongoing infection
- > 4 days immobility
- Major current illness
- o Low risk
- If no risk factors are present, then all that is required is good hydration, and early mobilisation
- o Medium Risk
- Labour >12 hours
- Give heparin prophylaxis and / or mechanical methods (e.g. Stockings)
- o High risk
- Give 5 days heparin post op, or until fully mobilised, whichever is longer. Also use stockings
- Any woman with >3 above RF’s
- Any woman with extended abdominal surgery – eg. Hysterectomy
- FH or personal Hx of thromboembolism or thrombophilia
- Lower limb paralysis
- Women with thromboembolism in pregnancy
- Require prophylaxis for 6 weeks post partum
Removal of the placenta at C-section
Manual removal can cause endometritis, and thus gentre traction should be applied to the cord, to aid natural removal of the placenta.
After surgery
- 1:1 care on recovery unit
- Measurements every ½ hour for first 2 hours
- Mobilise as soon as possible
- Appropriate analgesia
- Typical hospital stay is 3-4 days
- In normal vaginal deliveries, hospital stay is 6-72 hours
- Aspiration – depending on anaesthesia / intubation use
- PE
- Infection
- Longer hospital stay – which can cause bonding issues between family / mother / baby