Menorrhagia describes abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding (often associated with increased period pain) during periods.
Menorrhagia is a common presenting compliant, and a cause is not always found. Endometrial carcinoma should always be considered as a differential.
In a typical period, the average blood loss is 30-40ml. Bleeding usually lasts 7 days or less, and a ‘normal’ cycle length is 21-35 days. Up to 30% of women report having “heavy” periods, however only about 5% of women will consult their GP for the problem.
- It is no longer typically recommended to try to estimate the amount of blood loss – instead it is enough to make a diagnosis of menorrhagia on the basis of the women’s perception of a large amount of bleeding, and the impact on her life.
Menstrual disorders are the second most common reason for gynaecology referral.
- 30% of women report heavy periods
- When measuring menstrual loss, and using a cut-off of 80mls per menses, the prevalence of menorrhagia is between 10-15%
- About 50% of cases then present medically have no cause identified – and as such are diagnosed as Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) – a diagnosis of exclusion
Causes of heavy menstrual bleeding
- Ovulatory Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB)
- This essentially refers to a type of menorrhagia where no underlying cause is identified
- Anovulatory DUB – is more rare and occurs at the extremes of child-bearing age
- Fibroids
- Complications of hormonal therapy
- Adenomyosis
- Endometriosis
- Rare, but serious
- Other rare things
- Pelvic congestion syndrome
- Thyroid disorders
- Bleeding disorders
- Liver disease
- Drugs
- There is an association with anxiety and depression and heavy menstrual bleeding – which is probably more likely related to a perceptual problem
- SMOKING – 5x more likely to have abnormal menstruation
Red Flags
- Heavy bleeding with haemodynamic instability (an emergency!)
- Postmenopausal
- During pregnancy
- Pelvic mass
- Findings on USS
- Endometrium >12mm thick in pre-menopausal women
- Endometrium >5mm thick in peri-menopausal women
- Menarche
- Have periods always been heavy? (consider a bleeding disorder)
- Menstrual history
- What is the normal pattern?
- When did the heavy bleeding start?
- What sanitary products does she use and how often are they changed?
- Note there is no direct correlation between length of period and total blood loss
- Could she be pregnant?
- Cervical screening history
- Effect of symptoms on every day life
- Is she having regular time off work?
- Any hirsutism (PCOS signs or symptoms)
- Sexual history
- Trauma
- PMHx
- Bleeding disorder
- Thyroid disorder
- FHx
- Endometrial cancer
- Bowel cancer
- Cancer
- Hormonal therapy – e.g. contraceptive pill, IUD
Defining heavy bleed can be difficult. A “normal” cycle has bleeding that lasts 7 days or less, with a cycle length of between 21 and 35 days.
Consider that heavy bleeding is present if:
- >80ml per cycle (hard to determine!)
- If tampons / pads / cups need to be changed around every hour
- Having to use two sanitary products in combination
- Passing large clots. Clots often cause pain as they pass through the cervix
- If bleeding lasts >1 week
- The woman perceives that she has heavy bleeding
- If very heavy and acute bleeding – ensure haemodynaically stable
- HR
- BP
- Abdominal / pelvic examination (bimanual examination)
- Feel for masses – particularly pelvic masses
- Consider speculum examination +/- pap smear +/- swabs for STI if indicated
- Consider if appropriate in young girls with no sexual history as can be a traumatic experience
- Bloods
- Iron studies
- Coags – INR / PT / APTT / fibrinogen / platelets
- B-hCG
- TFTs
- Autoantibodies – e.g. ANA for SLE
- Consider hormones – LH, FSH, estradiol, prolactin
- Consider pelvic / transvaginal USS
- Ideally should be reserved for women who fail conservative management, or are at high risk of endometrial cancer
- Perform in first half of cycle when endometrial thickness can be measured
- >12mm in premenopausal or >5mmin post menopausal women requires endometrial biopsy
- If haemodynamically unstable – refer to emergency department
- If haemodynamically stable but Hb <80 – refer for urgent gynaecology assessment (also consider going via emergency department)
- To stop acute bleeding, choose one of the following
- Tranexamic acid 1g to 1.5g PO every 8 hours – until bleeding ceased
- Progesterones:
- Norethisterone 5-10mg PO every 4 hours until bleeding stops
- Medroxyprogesterone 10mg PO every 4 hours until bleeding stops
- Consider urgent USS
- Consider prompt USS
- Treat any iron deficiency
- If USS is normal, age <35 and no red flags, can treat in the community. Choose one of the following options:
- Intra-uterine device (e.g. Mirena)
- Recommended first line in the UK
- Studies show women reported a greater improvement in quality of life with mirena compared to other treatments
- However – has a high rate of removal – about 30% by 2 years
- Combined hormonal contraceptive (provided no contra-indications). May choose to run packets together to avoid periods altogether – this is safe to do for up to 12 months at a time
- Tranexamic acid 500mg PO BD or TDS for 2-3 days with periods
- Ibuprofen 400mg TDS
- Naproxen 500mg stat dose, and then 250mg TDS
- Mefanamic acid 500mg TDS
- Progestins are considered third line, after IUS, CHC / NSAIDs / tranexamic acid
- Norethisterone – note this is not contraceptive. Start at 5mg TDS. Usually short term use (1-2 months only)
- Depo-provera injection
- Suppresses ovulation
- Beware of reduced bone density and weight gain
- Repeat every 12 week
- Endometrial ablation
- Hysterectomy may be considered as a last resort in women who are certain they do not want any (more) children
- Intra-uterine device (e.g. Mirena)
- If no cause is identified, no red flags, and patient is aged <35, and symptoms respond to treatment – you can make a diagnosis of dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB)
- If any red flags, or USS abnormalities, or age >35, refer to gynaecology. USS abnormalities include:
- Thickened endometrium
- >12mm in pre-menopausal women
- >5mm in pro-menopausal women
- Fibroids – especially if >10cm
- Endometrial polyps
- Thickened endometrium
- Menorrhagia –
- Menorrhagia – HealthPathways
- Murtagh’s General Practice. 6th Ed. (2015) John Murtagh, Jill Rosenblatt
- Oxford Handbook of General Practice. 3rd Ed. (2010) Simon, C., Everitt, H., van Drop, F.